cranberries galore!

December 20, 2013

Day eleven of twelve

I love cranberries! So festive, so delicious. I've fallen more in love with them as I've gotten older.

I remember I hated cranberry juice as a kid, but when the holidays neared and the Cranberry Canada Dry hit stores...I would get so excited! It still makes my heart happy to see it hit the shelves, but now that I'm older, I've found other ways to incorporate cranberry into my beverages. I've even realized how easy it is to incorporate fresh cranberries instead of relying on a bottle of Ocean Spray. Score!

I'm still looking for a cranberry drink recipe to declare as my favorite. Here are some I've pinned and will hopefully try this Christmas:

Scarlett O'Hara via

Cranberry Mojito via

Cocktail via (I tried the virgin form of this for Thanksgiving. Not bad!)

Cranberry Mimosa via

Crock Pot Cranberry Cider via

 photo linkup13001_zpsd63590aa.jpg

Favorite Holday Drink:GO!

1. Bekah @ re•solve  2. Put the Fruit Punch in  

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  1. I've never been a huge cranberry fan but I'm with you on the Cranberry Canada Dry!! Yum yum.

  2. Let me know how they turn out. I'm not much for cranberries after it made me sick once but I am curious.

  3. They sure are a festive berry. We are having some with our turkey tonight. Thanks for all your visits to Desire Empire this year. Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year in 2014.


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